Les Vendredis de l'OVSQ: Climate Change, Air Pollution and Human Health
The earth is in the midst of an unusually rapid climate warming trend that has important implications for natural and human systems, including human health. Linking exposure-response functions for temperature-related mortality to future temperature projections developed by the IPCC, Dr. Kinney has analyzed potential future mortality impacts of warming summers and winters in New York City.
Séminaire du Cemotev, Intervention de Beatrice Bellini
Le 20 mars, séminaire du Cemotev, Intervention de Béatrice Bellini.
Polaris Kaunas Methodology Workshop
Workshop: Methodology of valorisation: territories, identities and local heritage
Beneficiary / Partner organizations: UVSQ, NEFU, KTU, UNPA
Department of Architecture and Land Management, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Kaunas University of Technology, Studentu st. 48, Kaunas, Lithuania