BRidging Scientific and Indigenous Knowledge on Global Changes in the Arctic: Vulnerability and Adaptation of Societies and the Environment

Funded by ANR (2013-2016) and IPEV (2014-2017) 

The BRISK project is developing interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary methods as well as tools for establishing synergies between science and indigenous knowledge on the effect of global climate change on the Arctic. It allows a new assessment of environmental, economic, social and political impacts, of vulnerabilities and adaptation strategies. It helps to share knowledge and unlocks an understanding between natural and social sciences, between scientific and indigenous knowledge, and between the scientific community and policy makers.

BRISK is based on case studies in Lapland (Norwegian and Swedish) and Siberia (southern Yakutia / Love, Tuva Republic) among reindeer herders. BRISK develops innovative observation methodologies by establishing indigenous observation systems for environmental and social changes that allow the production of knowledge.

This transdisciplinary approach (combining local, climatological, geographical, ecological, and anthropological knowledge) based on the complementary aspect of indigenous and scientific knowledge. The project combines approaches to micro and macro scales by engaging partners at the international, national, regional and local level.

BRISK documents the key factors of vulnerability and local resilience to produce recommendations to improve local and international adaptation policies by comparing two types of reindeer herding. While these two types operate in different economic and political settings, but both face, in addition to climate change, global changes caused by international, national, and regional policies and the expansion of extractive industries.


Université de Versailles St. Quentin-en-Yvelines (CEARC : A. LAVRILLIER (social and cultural anthropology) – coordinator ; M. ROJO ( PhD climatology and anthropology) ; S. GABYSHEV (reindeer herder & co-researcher); CEMOTEV S. GADAL (Geography Remote Sensing) ; LSCE : V. MASSON - DELMOTTE (climatology) // UNESCO, Paris : Local and Indigenous Knowledge System (LINKS) Programme D. NAKASHIMA, J. RUBIS // MNHN CNRS:  Laboratoire Éco-Anthropologie et Ethnobiologie M. ROUE ;  AgroParisTech / Université Paris-Sud, Paris : S. ROTURIER (ethnobiology) // École Polytechnique (Palaiseau) / École Normale Supérieure / Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, Laboratoire Météorologie Dynamique (LMD) :  C. CLAUD (climatoligie)

Last publications:

  • Film

Lavrillier, A. 2016. Indigenous Evenki analysis of the snow cover in the Siberian taiga, 12 mn.

  • Book

Lavrillier A. and S. Gabyshev, 2017. An Arctic Indigenous Knowledge System of Landscape, Climate, and Human  interactions. Evenki Reindeer Herders and Hunters, Studies in Social and Cultural Anthropology, Kulturstiftung Sibirien,  Fürstenberg/Havel, Germany 467p.

  • Paper

Lavrillier A., Gabyshev S., Rojo M. 2016. The Sable for Evenk Reindeer Herders in Southeastern Siberia: Interplaying Drivers of Changes on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services: Climate Change, Worldwide Market Economy and Extractive Industries (avec Lavrillier A. et Rojo M.), in M. Roué and Z. Molnar (eds.), Indigenous and Local Knowledge of Biodiversity and Ecosystems Services in Europe and Central Asia: Contributions to an IPBES regional assessment. Knowledge and Nature 9. UNESCO: Paris, p. 111-128.​ (Ajouter Lien vers l’article Sable (en pièce jointe Lavrillier 2016)

  • Science communication

Portrait de Semen Gabyshev - Eleveur de rennes Sibérien et co-chercheur au CEARC


Involved members:

  • Alexandra Lavrillier (coordinator)
  • Semen Gabyshev
  • Maxence Rojo




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