Michael Delaunay

Received the phd degrees in 2021


 michaeldelaunay10 [at] gmail.com


PhD student at University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (UVSQ)
Associate researcher at the CIRRICQ (Centre Interuniversitaire de Recherche sur les Relations Internationales du Canada et du Québec)



In november 2014, Michael Delaunay started his science politics thesis project research at Cultures, Régulations, Institutions et Territoires (CRIT) doctoral school, co guided by Professor Stephane Roussel (ENAP, Canada) and Professor Jean-Paul Vanderlinden (CEARC, France). He studies the impact of the presence and absence of the telecommunications in the arctic regions, and the effects on the political, geopolitical, strategic, economic, social, and military levels of the telecommunciations in the high north.

He is also a associate researcher at the OPSA (Observatoire de la Politique et la Securité de l'Arctique) canadian think tank, after living one year in Canada. Directed by Stephane Roussel, Professor at the ENAP (Ecole Nationale d’Administration Publique) in Montréal, this think thank focus on arctic political questions.


Fileds of interests

  • Telecomunications
  • Military
  • Sovereignty
  • Geopolitic
  • High Tech


Last publications


Last revision: November 2021