Polaris kick-off meeting

May 22-23, 2013

Observatoire de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines

11, boulevard D’Alembert

78280 Guyancourt

Amphithéâtre Gérard Mégie


Wednesday, May 22:

10.30 am: welcome and presentation of OVSQ

10.45-12.15: presentation of participants/tour de table

12.15-1.15pm: lunch

1.15-3.30 : POLARIS presentation : project’s objectives, milestones and planning (Jan Borm, POLARIS coordinator, CEARC/UVSQ)

3.30-3.45: coffee break

3.45-5.15: Presentation of the IRSES Marie Curie Action. POLARIS administrative and financial management (Eugenia Shadlova,POLARIS manager, UVSQ)

Evening: ice breaker - dinner in town (optional)


Thursday, May 23:

10am-12: Working groups by work packages

12-1pm: lunch

1-3.30: Mobility calendar discussion and planning

3.45-4.30 Breakout session